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  The Kazan State N. Zhiganov`s Conservatory

Pages: 1 2
  Entrance examinations
  Special disciplines
  Performing solo program (according to performing speciality)
  Theory of music (solfeggio, harmony, musical form) in writing (on the speciality 'Musicology')
  Theory of music orally (on the speciality 'Musicology')
  Performance of own compositions (on the speciality 'Composition')
  In writing and orally (except the speciality 'Musicology').
  For those applying for the speciality 'Piano' - theory of music (solfeggio, harmony, musical form) in writing and solfeggio orally.
  In writing (theory of music for the speciality 'Solo singing') (except specialities 'Piano' and 'Musicology')
  Piano (as a part of colloquium) (on the speciality 'Musicology', 'Choir conducting', 'Composition')
  Musical literature(on the speciality 'Musicology')
  Language and literature (in writing)
  Graduates of the conservatory work in many cities of Russia as well as abroad. The artists of the Government Symphonic Orchestra of Tatarstan Philharmonic Society, opera company and the orchestra of the M. Jalil's Opera and Ballet theatre, the Government orchestra of folk instruments and of other collectives of national republics of the Volga region are the graduates of the Kazan conservatory.
  Sophia Gubaidullina (composer)
  Oleg Lundstrem
  Rubin Abdullin
  Eugeny Mikhailov
  Khalida Khairutdinova (the USA)
  Flora Khasanova
  Elfia Burnasheva
  Avzal Khairutdinov
  Rashid Kalimullin
  Doctors of Arts
  Mikhail Kondratiev
  Vadim Dulat-Aleyev
  International contacts, concert activity
  Growing authority of Kazan performing school, mutual interest in direct cultural interchange, development of informational contacts influences the development of international contacts.
  Development moves in the following directions:
  - teaching, training, participating in master-classes outside Russia for the students of the Kazan conservatory;
  - Kazan collectives and collectives from distant and near foreign countries performing, organizing concerts of foreign musicians in Tatarstan;
  - carrying out open classes, seminars, lectures of the conservatory teachers outside Russia, the same actions with participation of foreign musicians in Kazan;
  Concerts of foreign musicians in the conservatory halls and the S. Saidashev's State Big Concert Hall are organized by the conservatory itself as well as by the conservatory together with the Ministry of Culture of the RT and the Composers' Union of the RT.
  During the last years the Kazan conservatory representatives have many times became the winners of authoritative musical contests in Russia and abroad. The conservatory teaches foreign students and post-graduates on all the performing specialities. For the entrants, who don't speak Russian, there is a one-year access course.
  Depending on the speciality, an academic year of access course costs from 1500 to 2000 $, studying at the conservatory costs from 2000 to 2500$ a year.
  The science and publishing activities At present musical culture of the Middle Volga region, traditional music of Turkic and Finno-Ugric nations, problems of pentatonic, sociology of music, problems of theory and history of European and Russian music, musical traditions of the Muslim world, problems of musical performing art and musical education are the main directions of scientific interest of the conservatory.
  Since 1990 the conservatory has developed publishing activity. Publishing department prepared and published 9 monographs, 7 collections of scientific articles, over 30 music books, over 50 methodical workings.
  Traditional musical festivals
  Kazan Choir Assembly (annually, March)
  Festival of piano music 'Pianoforum' (annually, April)
  Festival of organ music (once in two years, November)
  'Jazz Cross-roads' (annually)
  International Festival of modern music 'Europe-Asia' (once in two years)
  Address: 38 Krasnaya str, Kazan, 420015


Pages: 1 2

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