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  Romanov Roman

  After finishing the Kazan Art school and obtaining the technical university degree, he completely devoted himself to industrial design, having put off his brushes and colour-box, started his work at the form in its great variety. This period of creative activity, lasted for 10 years, was connected with working out of the consumer goods, medical equipment and automobile design. Concerning graphic works, only samples of logotypes and trademarks were of certain interest. The work was carried out on the paper, in the form of plasticine models and computer graphics. And the very creation of this site was the first step of Web design mastering.
  However, the fall of the domestic industry affected designers, who 'couldn't' draw little bears and bunnies or arrange letters in CorelDraw for advertisement hoardings and signboards. That was the time when his friends and relatives reminded him of the drawer with brushes and colour-box.
  'Since then I can't decide what those 10 years were for me: either a side path on the way to fine art, or the time given to prepare to a search of new means of self-expression. Anyway, by my age of 36 I have completely determined my own creative way.
  'All the displayed works beginning from 1999, are oil and canvas. At present practically all of them are kept in private collections.

A Park near the Black Lake
A Park near the Black Lake
Traveller's view 
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Mon Jun 3
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