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  Alexander Butlerov

  Alexander Butlerov was born in 1828 in Butlerovka - a small small village
  nearby to Kazan where there was a manor of his father. He entered the First
  Kazan grammar school.
  After the finishing of grammar school he entered the natural-science
  branch of the Kazan university. Butlerov began to attend regularly lectures
  of Nikolay Nikolaevich Zinin's chemistry which were read for students of
  physical and mathematical branch.
  To receive a scientific degree of the candidate, A.Butlerov should present
  the dissertation upon graduation from the university. By this time Zinin
  left Kazan for St. Petersburg and he had nothing left except to engage
  himself in natural sciences. For candidate work Butlerov prepared article
  "Day time butterflies of Volga-Ural fauna". However circumstances developed
  so, that Alexander all the same had to return to chemistry.
  The only professor of chemistry Klaus needed an assistant. Butlerov
  agreed. In the autumn of 1850 Butlerov passed examinations for scientific
  degree of the master of chemistry and began the thesis for doctor's degree
  "About radio oils".
  June 4, 1854 Бутлеров received acknowledgement on getting scientific
  degree of the doctor of chemistry and physics. At once after that Butlerov
  was appointed acting as the professor of chemistry of the Kazan university.
  In the beginning of 1857 he became a professor.
  Being engaged in studying of hydrocarbons, Butlerov understood, that they
  represent a completely special class of chemical substances. Analyzing their
  structure and properties, the scientist noticed, that here there is a severe
  law. It laid in the basis of the theory of chemical structure created by
  He made the report on the theory created by him at 36 congress of German
  scientists and doctors in Speier. Congress was held in September 1861.
  In the article "About various ways of explanation of some cases of
  isomer", published in 1863 in German and in 1864 in French, Butlerov made
  the conclusion: "If at identical structure the substances differ by
  properties they also should differ by their chemical structure".
  The success brought to the scientist confidence, but at the same time put
  a new, more difficult task. It was necessary to apply the structural theory
  to all reactions and compounds of organic chemistry, and the main thing was
  to write the new textbook in organic chemistry where all phenomena would be
  considered from the point of view of the new theory of structure.
  Butlerov worked on the textbook almost two years without interruption. The
  book "Introduction to full studying of organic chemistry" was publisheds
  three times in 1864-1866. Soon after that the editions almost in all main
  European languages were published.
  In the spring of 1868 under Mendeleev Alexander Mikhailovich's initiative
  he was invited to St. Petersburg university where he began to deliver
  lectures and organized his own chemical laboratory. Butlerov developed a new
  technique of training of students, offering laboratory practical work.
  In his researches Butlerov continued to develop the structural theory. He
  aimed to prove that all types of organic compounds could have ramified and
  direct carbon circuits. His work was successful. Butlerov proved the
  existence of ramified circuit of hydrocarbons.
  In 1871 he was elected the extraordinary academician, and three years
  later - the ordinary academician.
  Through all his life Butlerov had one more passion - beekeeping. He was
  proud of his book "Bee, its life and rules of explanatory beekeeping" as
  well as of his scientific works.
  The scientist died of corking blood vessels August 5, 1886

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