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  7 B

  That's how it started:
  In the autumn of 1986 in Kazan the twin-brothers Alexander and Yury Sladkovs (07/11/1966), who played in the band 'Sign', recorded their first album 'I don't want to be a soldier'. Later A. Sladkova (23/02/68) joined them and in 1987 they recorded their second album 'The three dogs' night' in a private house.
  In 1988 the group faced the problem with accommodation and had to left for the nearest village, because teachers and culture workers were given free accommodation there. At the end of February they participated in the contest of the music bands of the district, and after that they lost their jobs and accommodation as well. The group returned to Kazan, rented a private house and at the end of 1988 having experienced another fire, recorded the third album 'The State of charcoal'.
  In the beginning of 1989 the group moved to Kazan's 'Harlem' - 'Teplokontrol', where they started a kind of family business - they serviced Central Heating station. Since that time the group has lived and worked indoors the station. At the end of 1989 they recorded the album 'Teplokontrol'.
  Since 1990 relations with the local bandits become strained, so the group could go out only deep at night. That was the year, when they made their first video, and recorded the album 'The music of night trams'.
  In 1991the group was on many tours all over the country (Chistopol, Izhevsk, Tomsk, Leningrad). At the same time the second video was made and the album 'Pathology' was recorded. In 1992 RECORDS and VIDEO took its final shape. At RECORDS Kazan alternative groups, such as 'OST', 'Fifth column', 'Psychopop', 'Gad and propellers', 'I-LI', 'Jacob's Stairs' and others were making their records. In the same year the group made their third video and recorded the album 'Vibration'.
  In 1993 the group decided to change their sound, and all the year they were earning money, selling they personal and state property. In 1994 the group, having changed the old Soviet analogous sequencers into the new foreign ones, recorded their first album with the new sound 'Paranoia' and made their fourth video.
  In 1995 the group started to perform at night clubs and discos, and recorded the album 'Transplantation'. In 1996 the group went through the financial crisis, thus the group started earning money making advertisements for the radio and designer's production. The album 'Over the edge' was recorded that year. In 1997 the group and the folk Chuvash singer E. Toshikova featured in the joint project 'Kaikaram', and recorded the album 'You can never stop this crazy fun!' The work at the albums 'The best of suicide', 'Vibration', and at the film 'Case history' was started.
  Since 1998 the group started the series of tours through Moscow clubs. After August 17, 1998 the group '7B' returned to Kazan and recorded the new album 'Decadence'.
  In the 2001, after the dark times they finally saw the light in the tunnel's end. The group '7B' recorded the album 'Everybody dance!' and started concert tours. Thus, crazy fun goes on. And everybody dance!

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