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  Traditional Tatar music

  Traditional Tatar music, as well as any other art, has gone through the long way of historical development. Tune and intonation (pentatonic) and rhythmic peculiarities have common features with music traditions of Turkic and Finno-Ugric nations of the Volga region, which allows suppose the connection between lyric Tatar melodies and historic music epos of pagan epoch.
  The variety of Tatar music folklore can be divided into songs and instrumental music. Emotional people's life - their joys and sorrows, festivals and customs, everyday life and historic development - all these have found the most colourful expression in nothing but songs. Tatar song art includes ritual (calendar, wedding), historical and lyric songs. In folk music art only solo, traditionally one-voice, singing was developed.
  There is no trace of swing and expanse in ancient songs and folk dances of the Tatar girls, which were distinguished for their plasticity and grace, timid gestures and movements. Monotonous movements with small steps in traditional Tatar dance, as well as drawling sad songs, tell about timid isolated life of Muslim girls.Among the most known instruments of Tatar music folklore there were accordion-talianka, kurai (a kind of flute), kubyz (violin), surnai (eastern musical instrument).
  Sacred music was a part of musical culture. Islam, being the official religion, influenced not only culture on the whole, but the development of art of music in particular. There is no direct prohibition of music in Koran, it exists in Muslim cult, helping believers perceive the substance of Muslim Holy Book - Koran, which was read drawlingly. Melodies of the surahs (the parts of Koran) were orally conveyed from generation to generation inside the walls of religious educational establishments.
  Professional Tatar music and composers school developed by the middle of the 20th century. That was the time when S. Saidashev, N. Zhiganov, M. Muzafarov, D. Faizy and other talented composers became known. They managed to create the new original style, creatively combining national traditions and forms and genres of professional European music. Traditional Tatar music has different stylistic and genre types. Its emotional substance and musical stylistics in the most concentrated form became apparent in the lyric drawling song, interpreted by the recognized masters of national music performance. But the traditional song is not only a memorial of the folk song, it can be heard nowadays on the radio and television, in some concerts.
  Learning Tatar music will let you better understand spiritual culture of the nation with its rich historic destiny.

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